Electro-acupuncture improves social behavior and increases oxytocin and arginine-vasopressin express
Objective Oxytocin(OXT)and arginine-vasopressin(AVP)are two closely related neuropeptides and implicated in regulation o......
Methyl-CpG binding protein 2(MeCP2)plays critical roles in transcriptional regulation and microRNA processing.Mutations ......
Quinestrol is an effective sterilant of rodents,but we have little knowledge about its effect on social behavior.In this......
Neuropeptidic Regulations are Correlated with Biological Requirements:A Comparison between Apis mell
Pollinators,most often honeybees,play essential roles in maintaining healthy ecosystems and in supporting agricultural p......
目的 研究太行山猕猴指(趾)长比性差大小和分布.方法 测量成年雄性猕猴左右侧指骨100根、趾骨120根和成年雌性猕猴左右侧指骨250根......
Long-term overlap of social and genetic structure in free-ranging house mice reveals dynamic seasona
Associating with relatives in social groups can bring benefits such as reduced risk of aggression and increased likeliho......